Whatever we grow feeds my family, friends, and community. We use natural methods to fertilize our crops such as Korean Natural Farming. Minimal tillage and crop rotation happens.
We are Bee friendly, no neonicotinoids
No sprays
No growth regulators
We do not grow GMO varieties on the contrary our seed came from the wilds of Uzbekistan and our climate is similar to the birthplace of garlic.
Our goal is to create healthy vibrant living soil for future generations to use. Aged horse, chicken, goat manure mixed with leaves, hay, alfalfa, compost, red worms, with local flowering plants and brown sugar solution. Nitrogen fixer cover crops like red clover and alfalfa.
Garlic has been used, both medicinally and as a food or flavoring, since the dawn of recorded history. Ancient medical texts from as far afield as Egypt, China, India, Greece, and Rome discussed the medical uses of garlic. The Bible and Qur’an mention it, and while the plant is native to Central Asia, cloves dating back more than 3000 years were found in King Tut’s tomb.
Raw garlic is strongest.
Mixed with raw honey increases medicinal power.
Garlic Helps Boost Your Body's Immune System. ...
Garlic Helps Reduce High Blood Pressure. ...
Garlic Helps Reduce Cholesterol Levels. ...
Garlic Can Help With Prevention of Cancer. ...
Garlic Has Antibiotic Properties. ...
Garlic May Prevent Alzheimer's and Dementia.
For more medical journal articles about garlic, try these:
Garlic health benefits according to National Library of Medicine
A single clove, 2-3 inches with pointed side up around Oct. 31st and as late as Winter solstice (it needs a certain amount of cold hours to vernalize). Garlic likes well-draining soil, rocks are fine and in fact desired, plenty of sunshine and some potassium. If it’s too wet, moist, and shady it will mold. Best to water them to help roots set before the first snow arrives. A mulch cover is a good idea to keep them snug. When spring hits, remove any weeds. Garlic does not like any competition. Water if hot and no rain. Keep watered but not too much. It is a drought plant. Drip irrigation works well. Harvest around Summer Solstice. If a hardneck variety then snip the curly scape for eating and leave one garlic scape witch so when it erects straight to the sky the garlic is ready to harvest. If a softneck variety then when 3 to 4 leaves turn yellow and wither is time to harvest. Cure out of the sun until dry in a fan-dried area for 10-14 days depending on humidity. Garlic should be stored in an open basket, dark and cool with air. Do not seal, or refrigerate. Can be frozen for eating over the winter months. But fresh raw garlic is medicinally strongest. Low heat not above 125 is best when dehydrating.
A miracle plant indeed. Mixed with raw honey exponentially increases medicinal power.