What makes our garlic unique is the legacy of our seed.
We are offering artisanal Purple Silk garlic. Purple Silk is a wild legacy seed from the birthplace of garlic along the silk road. Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan. These regions maintain a purple coloring which is indicative of ancestral seed.
WILD GARLICS are those that were collected in their center of origin, Central Asia, by various individuals, often from tiny bulbs or bulbils. Brought back they all tend to be vigorous, perhaps due to the fact that they haven’t been in domesticity long enough to accrue viruses that imbue long cultivated varieties.
Purple Silk is the best of the best in flavor and medicinal strength. A remarkable superfood that brings flavor and vibrant energy to the table.
We also have black garlic, and a MT. St. Helens heirloom softneck for sale from western Washington state. Has a pearl like finish to the bulbs. Long lasting and strong.
Come buy local or we can ship nationwide.
Purple Silk
Purple Silk garlic has a rich and complex flavor that is both sweet and pungent, with undertones of nuttiness and lingering spiciness. This hard-neck variety produces a spring scape that is delicious. This garlic is from seeds gathered from Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, and Uzbekistan.
Purple Silk (KISHLYK)
Purple Silk (“Kish-Lick”) garlic has a rich and complex flavor that is both sweet and pungent, with undertones of nuttiness and lingering spiciness. This hard-neck variety produces a spring scape that is delicious. Collected from the wild near Kishlyk, in southern Kashkadarya (Qashqadaryo) region of Uzbekistan.